The loud, speedy and nail bitingly terrifying Red Bull Air Race returns for 2015 in the races ninth year, with the British part of the Championship being hosted at Royal Ascot. Ascot is positioned in beautiful wooded countryside, not far from London (can easily be reach by a train!) The village is famous for its racecourse, which has put Ascot on the global map and dates to the 1700s. The race is all about speed and a lot of courage daredevil pilots will negotiate the racecourse featuring air filled pylons at just a few metres from the ground, barrel-rolling and looping their way through obstacles at some 230mph, trying to obtain the fastest time possible and avoiding the penalties. There are 14 pilots fighting for the title in the master class category, with 8 races all around the world.
Although the day looks great and there are defiantly thrills to be had the price is a little steep I feel at £30 for a general admissions ticket on Saturday 15th August and £40 for Sunday 16th August! However if you’re looking for a trip slightly out of London with a difference this could well be worth an adventure, as it always looks amazing when being shown on the TV!
The train journeys are not bad at all from Waterloo, with no changes and 52minutes from station to station.
Why not have a look and see if its the thrill for you!